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Immigration Debate on Attracting Highly Skilled Workers Ignores Black Workers

Immigration Debate on Attracting Highly Skilled Workers Ignores Black Workers

Posted By Pozo Goldstein, LLP || 6-Jan-2014

1388960309.jpg.CROP.rtstory-large For years, immigration advocacy groups have been lobbying Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. A large portion of the lobbying efforts come from the Hispanic community.  It is a very well known fact that the Republicans admit that elections are being influenced by the Hispanic vote and that they must connect with this group by paying attention to immigration reform.

Another huge lobbying group comes from Silicon Valley.  The tech-industry lobbies hard and spends millions of dollars to press for a fix to our immigration system.  They want foreign workers through the H1-B visa program but that program is capped annually and available visas are usually snapped up within weeks if not days of becoming available.  Typically Silicon Valley firms target Asians to come work for them.

While African and Caribbean immigrants now represent one of the fastest growing, educated groups, they still must rely on other means of immigration, partly due to a lack of an organized movement.

Now that Speaker Boehner has indicated that he may be open to negotiations on the immigration reform issue, the voices for the Black immigrants such a the Congressional Black Caucus must get involved in the process .

The Atlanta immigration lawyers at Pozo Goldstein, LLP can assist you in applying for employment visas.  Call (404) 806-0718 for a free consultation.

Categories: Immigration News