The White House has markedly reduced the rhetoric on immigration reform and has asked immigration reform supporters to do the same. This because signs are that the Republicans who previously opposed any form of immigration reform have shown signs of bending on the immigration reform issue. Signs are that John Boehner has distanced himself from the far right Tea Party folks who oppose any fix to the immigration system that provides legal status to the undocumented currently in the United States. Even in the upcoming State of the Union Address, President Obama does not plan to embarrass or call out the Republicans regarding immigration reform. The Republicans have pledged to develop principles toward passing immigration reform. This is the first step for them to develop a response to the democratic plan for comprehensive immigration reform. It is a huge step as before they did not want to even address the issue. The Obama administration recognizes this and does not want to impede progress by attacking immigration reform opponents.
Comprehensive immigration reform is essential to the millions of undocumented immigrants who face
, removal proceedings, and
in an immigration facility. Many cases result in the separation of families where the father is undocumented and the wife and children are United States citizens. Even if immigration reform results in only a temporary status until a person earns green card status, it will keep these families together and will allow the previously undocumented to travel abroad and visit family members who many have not seen for years and years. A good number of undocumented immigrants have experienced the deaths of loved ones in their countries and they could not travel to see the loved one or attend funerals.
This first quarter of 2014 will be indicative of whether the millions of undocumented immigrants will live the American Dream.